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Hello my name is “Anzoa” Madelene Kajusa this is my e portfilio for the Global Competency at TRU. “Global Competence is a multi-dimensional construct that requires a combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values successfully applied to global issues or intercultural situations,” (PISA 2018 Global Competence, n.d.). I am interested in the knowledge part of global competence. I want to share the intergenerational trauma of first-generation South Sudanese Canadians. This topic ties into cultural competence because it helps develop cultural awareness of the South Sudanese community in our diverse societies here in Canada. I think having knowledge about South Sudan can help support South Sudanese communities living in Canada and challenge cultural biases and stereotypes about the South Sudanese community in order to lead to a more globally connected world.

Living in two worlds Paining by “ Anzoa” Madelene Kajusa.

As someone who lives in two worlds, I am navigating through two worlds from South Sudan and Canada. Canada is a multicultural society so there are people from all over the world that call Canada home. Many people have difficult journeys to these lands called Turtle Island Canada. Canada is a refuge for many people like me and my family. When my mom was getting our acceptance letter from the Canadian Embassy to come to Canada she was holding on to two small babies me and my older brother. My mom grew up in a village during the war in Sudan and Southern Sudan, so she never heard of Canada before. However she took that risk and my whole family mom, dad, and older brother got our plane tickets to Canada. The first place in Canada I called home was St. Johns Newfoundland, where my younger brother was born, then we lived for many years in Calgary and I came to TRU for school. When I hear my mother’s story and how my family came to Canada it’s so powerful and painful. That why there is a need for global competency and intercultural understanding to understand people around us to have support and compassion for people. All Canadians have a story to tell.

My Land Acknowledgement
Years of civil war and conflict have led many people not surviving the war in Sudan. The creator brought me and my family here to Turtle Island Canada a place we had never known before. This was a place where me and my brothers grew up and now call home. My mother says” Canada is not perfect but don’t complain if it wasn’t for Canada who knows where we would be.” Thank you to the Indigenous people of Canada for letting refugees and displaced people also call Canada their home.

This is a picture of me and my older brother. We were still new Canadian then in St. John’s Newfoundland and Labrador. It was a cold day and I was heading off to school. This photo was taken around 2001 or 2002.


PISA 2018 Global Competence. (n.d.-b). OECD.,for%20current%20and%20future%20generations.